In contrast, customization requires the development of additional code ( in a programming language) to extend and change a software component in order to support a specific a "custom" behavior. 相反,自定义要求开发额外的代码(使用编程语言)来扩展和更改软件组件,以支持特定的“自定义”行为。
You begin by writing additional code in the JavaScript file that sends the form post using Ajax to a PHP file. 首先开始在JavaScript文件中编写附加代码,使用Ajax将表单发送给PHP。
Additional code could be added to perform a check to see if the new value is a user-defined value indicating that the database value should be set to NULL or the default value defined for the column. 可以添加额外的代码来执行一个检查,检查新值是不是一个用户定义值,用以表明数据库值应该被设置为NULL或针对该列定义的默认值。
Therefore, no additional code is needed in order to create and use the index. 因此,创建和使用索引不需要编写额外的代码。
Note that if your documents have multiple categories selected, you need to use additional code in the view column formula to ensure that all categories are displayed and can be looked up. 注意,如果文档选择了多个类别,那么需要在视图列公式中使用附加代码来确保所有类别都被显示,并且能够被查找。
You actually don't need to write any additional code, you just need to compile it all together. 实际上您并不需要编写任何其他代码,只需要将它们编译在一起就可以了。
The XForms processor evaluates and enforces these constraints without the need for additional code. XForms处理器无需额外代码即可计算并强制这些约束。
In addition, the application will usually require additional code to manage other time-sensitive resources such as communications sockets. 此外,应用程序通常需要额外的代码来管理对时间敏感的资源,比如通信套接字。
Some additional code is required after finishing the wizard. 完成向导后,需要一些附加代码。
The additional code here sets up the font, colors, and line width. 此处的添加代码用于设置字体、颜色和行宽。
Because this requires access to Microsoft Windows DLL files that are normally not directly available for VBA macros, you will need some additional code. 因为这需要访问MicrosoftWindowsDLL文件,但是这些文件尚不能从VBA宏处直接获得,所以您需要添加额外的代码。
You do not need to write any additional code for HTTP session caching or for dynamic cache support using the XC10 appliance. 不需要额外编写任何代码就可以使用XC10设备实现HTTP会话缓存或动态缓存支持。
That extra instruction allows the linker to insert additional code if necessary during the linking process. 如果在链接过程中需要,这条额外指令会允许链接器插入其他代码。
There's additional code ( not shown) to consistently assign a different name to each node in the tree. 其他代码(没有显示)用于以一致的方式为树中的每个节点分配不同名称。
Basically, application-level validation entails adding additional code to the backing bean methods that use the model to qualify the data already bound to your model. 应用程序级验证主要需要在backingbean中添加代码,用这个模型确定绑定到模型中的数据是否合格。
These solutions provide connectivity to back end systems directly using additional code or configuration via their native transports, APIs, and data formats. 这些解决方案借助本地端口、API以及数据格式使用额外的代码或配置提供了与后端系统的连接性。
Additional code is required to implement required validations that augment the schema checks. 需要额外的代码来实现增加所需模式检查的验证。
The correct implementation is shown in Listing 11 ( note the additional code in bold). 清单11显示了正确的实现(注意,增加的代码用粗体表示)。
This additional code, often referred to as "advice", is often stored in configuration files but other options exist. 附加的代码通常被称为“通知(advice)”,它通常被存储在配置文件中,除此之外,也可以用其他方法存储。
Very often adding tracking or logging requires additional code to be written after the main software is complete. 通常情况下,在主体软件完成之后,跟踪和日志都需要额外添加代码。
U'd better use simple title to be the icon's additional code. 图标的可用性原则四:最好使用简短文字做为图标的冗余编码。
Additional code examples are available in the class library reference documentation. 其他代码示例位于类库参考文档中。
This choice was taken to avoid any side effects due to additional code that may reside in property setter/ getters. 这个选择可以避免由于为属性编写setter和getter的附加代码,从而产生的副作用。
Additional code to access data in extended memory spaces is minimized or eliminated. 扩展内存中读取数据所需要的多余代码被最小化或干脆去掉。
This option requires that you design and implement additional code. 此选项要求设计并实现附加代码。
If your program logic depends on any of that additional code, you should probably avoid short-circuiting operators. 如果程序逻辑依赖于任何这些附加代码,您可能应该避免使用短路运算符。
If you use ActiveX script functions to customize data pump phases, no additional code outside of the package is required. 如果使用activex脚本函数来自定义数据抽取阶段,就不需要包之外的任何其他代码了。
Your application can process messages exactly once, in order, without additional code. 您不需要对应用程序额外编写代码,即可按照顺序处理这些消息,且仅处理一次。
The redirect does not take place until the current page has finished executing, so additional code can be run. 当前页在未完成执行之前不会发生重定向,因此其他代码可以运行。